General Hospital Spoilers: The Moment of Truth!


Jason goes before the judge this week on GENERAL HOSPITAL, and with all his friends and loved ones taking sides, not everyone is going to be happy with the outcome! What does the future have in store for him?

Everyone in Port Charles wants to know where Jason has been as news of his return from the dead spreads. But there’s another question on everyone’s mind. “It’s all over the media that Jason is a suspect,” Josslyn informs Michael. Despite Michael’s efforts to help Jason since his return, Josslyn would be happy to see Sonny’s enforcer go to jail for shooting Dante.

Viewers know Jason didn’t shoot Dante, but can Jason and Diane come up with enough evidence to prove his innocence to the judge and the rest of Port Charles? Because everyone wants to know the truth. “Did you shoot Dante?” asks Anna… and Sam… and Carly, too!

The time of people taking sides comes when everyone gathers in the courtroom for Jason’s arraignment. Do they believe Jason actually shot Dante in cold blood or not? Carly has been a staunch supporter of Jason for a long time, and believes he is innocent without question. She’s furious that Sonny has abandoned the man who has been protecting him for years.

“You owe Jason!” she insists as Sonny cuts her off short. “I don’t owe Jason nothing,” he declares firmly. Could Sonny really believe that his former right-hand man is now out to get him?

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